Red light for eczema has been receiving as much buzz recently as red light therapy for hair loss.
If you have been following the success trend of red light therapy devices like Joovv for treating eczema, you are probably wondering why it is receiving so much praise.
The treatment options for eczema have not always been effective. And for severe eczema, the patients have had to combine several treatment methods, which are highly invasive.
In short, many traditional treatment methods of eczema aim to treat its symptoms, not eczema itself. This is a sorry state because over 30 million Americans suffer from eczema.
Red light therapy for eczema is a game-changer in treating eczema.
Read on to learn more about how red light is an effective treatment for eczema.
Does Red Light Therapy Help Eczema?
Every eczema patient would like to get this clear before they start treatment. This can be a worry because red light therapy is considered a natural alternative.
Yes, red light therapy has pros and cons. But it is an effective alternative to traditional pharmaceutical treatments.
Still in doubt? Check out these peer-reviewed studies that have studied the benefits of red light therapy for people with eczema.
Study 1: Red Light Therapy Reduces Itchiness and Swelling from Eczema
One of the initial researches on eczema and red light therapy monitored 81 eczema patients for close to a year. During this time, the researchers first monitored the symptoms of eczema in the patients as they used their regular treatments.
They then put the patients under red light therapy. After using the treatment for a short while, it was clear that red light therapy works effectively.
The researchers took photos of the patient’s skin before, during and after red light therapy. The patients then received just one 2-minute red light therapy session per work. With just this short treatment, the following symptoms of eczema were considerably reduced(1):
- Gooseflesh-like bumps (follicular keratosis)
- leathery patches (lichenification)
- Flaking skin (pityriasis)
- Reddening (erythema)
- Pimples or swelling (papules)
The researchers also found out that the patients picked their skin less at the end of the therapy. This shows that the treatment also reduced itchiness.
The researchers even stated that red therapy light devices could be the common primary choice for treating eczema.
Using red light therapy calls for consistency. However, even such a short treatment like this yielded great results. This means there is so much hope in using red light therapy to treat eczema.
Study 2: Red Light Therapy Improves Eczema and Reduces Itchiness
A 2013 research analyzed the benefits of combining red light therapy and regular eczema treatments such as immunosuppressive drugs.
The research found that adding red light therapy to the treatment equation resulted in:
- restored skin barrier
- reduced severity of skin lesions,
- reduced inflammation,
A similar study also studied how red light therapy will work with hot water baths to treat eczema. A combination of these two resulted in:
- reduced development of new lesions,
- lowered inflammation,
- reduced allergic reactions.
How Does Red Light Therapy Treat Eczema
These and many other ongoing researches show that red light therapy is an excellent treatment for eczema.
We have seen how well it manages the symptoms.
The big question, however, is how does it do it? Read on to find the working mechanism of red light therapy as an eczema treatment.
Promotes Skin Repair and Regeneration
Red light therapy is known for promoting skin regeneration and the production of elastin and collagen. These two proteins are responsible for supple and healthy skin.
Red light also works by activating the stem cells, also called the master cells. These are responsible for healing the skin. This makes a red light the best light therapy for eczema.
Also, a 2017 study found that atopic dermatitis(eczema) could be due to a genetic deficiency of a skin protein called filaggrin. Filaggrin helps shape skin cells to form a skin barrier. A deficiency of filaggrin means(2):
- easy attacks by bacteria,
- easy escape of moisture which leads to dryness and itchiness
There is no tangible research to show that red light therapy stimulates the production of filaggrin. However, there is hope for this, as it stimulates the production of other skin proteins such as collagen and elastin.
Red Light Therapy Promotes Cellular Metabolism
Numerous studies have shown how red light therapy stimulates the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cells. Powering the mitochondria means the production of more adenosine triphosphate(ATP).
When the cell cannot produce enough ATP, it results in mitochondrial dysfunction. This condition often contributes to chronic diseases such as eczema.
Furthermore, the ATP fuels the cells to fend off bacterial infections contributing to eczema symptoms and rashes.
Red Light Therapy Boosts the Immune System
You need a strong immune system to fight bacteria that can cause disorders such as eczema. However, if you suffer from autoimmune disorders, your body’s immunity can attack healthy tissues resulting in cell death.
A study conducted in 2019 found that red light therapy is good for preventing premature cell death. With more healthy cells, your immune system gets enough support to differentiate between healthy cells that need to stay and foreign bodies that need to go.
You can potentially treat autoimmune disorders such as eczema with more healthy cells and a stronger and well-supported immune system.
Red Light Therapy Increases Microcirculation
The wavelengths from red light treatments stimulate the formation of new capillaries. This increases the flow of blood and hence increases oxygen and nutrient delivery.
Also, red light stimulates the formation of endothelial cells in the lymphatic system. More of these cells means the removal of toxins and waste, which otherwise contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction.
Relief from Eczema Symptoms
Eczema symptoms can be so frustrating. The itching, pain and scaly patches can take a massive toll on the patient.
The good thing is that red light therapy offers quicker relief from these symptoms.
When you combine red light therapy with other conventional treatments, the result is a soothing effect on the symptoms. Also, this combination was found to:
- reduce inflammation,
- lower the severity of the eczema skin lesions,
- restore skin barrier
Also, if you combine red light therapy with hot baths, patients can enjoy reduced severity of eczema symptoms.
Who Is Fit for Red Light Therapy for Eczema
Red light therapy is usually not the first treatment option for atopic dermatitis. Many times, moisturizers and corticosteroids are usually the first options.
However, red light therapy could be a good option for patients who:
- Would don’t like needles as many times eczema medications involve injections,
- would like to avoid the side effects of these pharmaceutical medications,
- Have conditions that do not allow them to take conventional eczema treatment. For instance, methotrexate(given through injections or pills) treats severe eczema. However, you cannot take this medication if you have liver diseases or if you drink alcohol, are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Also, red light therapy is excellent for patients with targeted eczema, for example, on the hands and feet. Dermatologists can isolate these areas and treat them with light therapy.
Furthermore, eczema light therapy is excellent for patients with head-to-toe eczema. This is a good option for widespread eczema as it will save you the burden of having to put on prescription creams and ointments all over your entire body.
Red light therapy for eczema is also great for children. Red light is not given to infants, though. The child has to be old enough to stand alone.
Also, if you are not seeing much success with conventional treatments, you can talk to your doctor about the possibility of integrating red light into your eczema treatment.
What to Expect at Your Red Light Therapy for Eczema Appointment
Eczema patients usually undergo professional red light therapy treatments twice or thrice a week for several months.
During the appointment, you will first have to moisturize your skin and then stand undressed (apart from your underwear) in a lightbox. You need to have on goggles to protect your eyes.
The treatment will last for only a couple of minutes.
Drawbacks of Red Light Therapy for Atopic Dermatitis
Going for professional eczema phototherapy can be very expensive. We recommend getting your at-home red light therapy devices and performing the treatment at home. If you read Joovv red light therapy reviews, you will realize that it is a pretty straightforward process. You can perform it at home and enjoy the health benefits without digging deeper into your pocket.
Another thing about this treatment is that it is time-consuming. You will not achieve fewer leathery patches or fewer eczema rashes after one or two treatments. You will have to be consistent and patient to see the results of this laser therapy.
Also, just like the natural sunlight, the artificial UV light from red light therapy devices may cause tender sunburns and even blistering. Your skin may redden and itch. This, however, happens infrequently. And if they happen, they disappear quickly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Red light therapy for eczema treatment is new or rarely used as a first option. We answer some questions to help you understand how this non-invasive treatment is the game changer the eczema community has needed for a long time.
Is red light good for eczema?
Yes, red light is suitable for treating the symptoms of eczema. It has shown to be effective in:
- increasing microcirculation,
- boosting cellular metabolism,
- increasing mitochondrial function,
- boosting immune systems,
- relieving eczema symptoms such as skin eruptions and rashes
All of these contribute to relieving eczema in one way or another.
Does light therapy work on eczema?
Yes. There is a lot of research that proves red light can help fight common eczema symptoms. There are also excellent success stories on Joovv reviews. After consistent use, patients can relieve skin rashes and patches from their skin’s surface. Even in its initial human trials, it has shown more promising results than some topical treatments for eczema.
Does red light therapy make you itch?
It is normal to feel itchy after using red light therapy for the first time. However, you need to talk to your doctor if it persists. Usually, the doctor will reduce your dosage to help you adapt well to the treatment.
What are the Cons of using red light for eczema?
Professional therapy sessions can be expensive. To save this, you can get your Joovv for eczema and treat your skin condition cheaply.
Also, though rare, people experience itchy skin after this treatment. The good thing is that this effect disappears quickly.
Final Thoughts
Red light therapy works well for eczema. For a long time, conventional treatments for eczema have been lacking. If your skin condition is not improving from these traditional treatments, then it is time to try this red light therapy.
With consistency and patience, your eczema symptoms will be much improved.