We discussed how SleepPhones get you to sleep faster. But we didn’t discuss why it’s sometimes difficult to wake up on time and stay awake for long. Before we answer how to wake up and stay awake, let’s first discuss why is it so hard for you to stay awake.
Why is it so hard to stay awake after waking up?
Reason 1: Lack of sleep
If your body clock says you need 8 hours of sleep, then try sleeping for 7-8 hours at night.
Then if you still feel sleepy in the morning, take another nap. Don’t worry about going to bed too late because you’ll be more alert and ready to go once you wake up.
Reason 2: Insomnia
Insomnia is common among people who struggle with depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health issues.
For example, if you suffer from chronic pain, you might find yourself unable to fall asleep even though you’d normally be able to. In these situations, it’s important to talk to your doctor about what’s causing your insomnia. They will likely prescribe medication to help you sleep better.
Reason 3: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is when you feel drowsy throughout the day. People who suffer from EDS often feel groggy and fatigued. They also tend to have poor concentration and memory problems.
Another possibility is that you’re not actually tired. This is called fatigue without exhaustion. Fatigue without exhaustion means you feel like you’ve had enough sleep but you haven’t. It’s very similar to feeling hungover. When you feel like you’ve been awake for days, you’re actually just exhausted.
You can tell if you’re suffering from fatigue without exhaustion by asking yourself whether you feel rested during the day. If you do, you might be suffering from EDS.
Why am I tired 2 hours after waking up?
And this bothers you more when you haven’t had any caffeine in over 24 hours. When you didn’t drink alcohol last night. And also when you didn’t exercise at all. You can only speculate in such conditions. You can call yourself dehydrated.
Reason 1: Anxiety
This sounds like you may be having trouble falling asleep due to anxiety. You may benefit from talking to a therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders. They can help you find ways to manage your symptoms.
Also, you may want to look into cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT teaches you skills to cope with stress and anxiety, which will help you get better sleep.
Reason 2: Sleep Inertia
Sleep inertia usually lasts between 15 minutes and 30 minutes and gradually decreases as we become more alert.
How do I keep myself awake in the morning?
Tactic 1: Drink Warm Milk Before Bed
If you don’t want to take a nap, try this trick from Dr. Oz. He recommends drinking warm milk before bedtime. The reason why he suggests this is because it helps you relax and fall asleep faster. So drink some warm milk and see how it goes!
Tactic 2: Treat EDS With Melatonin Supplements
To treat EDS, you can take naps during the day. However, if you’re not comfortable taking naps, you can use melatonin supplements. Melatonin is an essential hormone produced naturally in the brain. It plays an important role in regulating sleep cycles.
Melatonin supplements work by increasing the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of well-being and happiness. Serotonin levels increase at night, promoting sleep.
Melatonin supplements are safe and effective for treating EDS. Some people experience side effects such as headache, nausea, dizziness, and dry mouth. Talk to your doctor before using melatonin supplements so they can monitor your progress.
Tactic 3: Get Enough Sleep At Night
In addition to making sure you’re getting enough rest, you also need to make sure you’re avoiding excessive daytime sleepiness. The average person needs between seven and eight hours per night. If you’re not getting enough sleep, then you’ll be tired during the day and your body will want to go back to sleep.
You can use smart devices like Chilipad and Ooler to regulate your mattress temperature and sleep cool.
Tactic 4: Drink Hot Water
Drinking hot water just makes you feel more awake and alert. The reason is simple: when we drink cold water our body has to work harder to heat the water up before it can be absorbed into our bloodstream.
But if we drink warm or hot water, then our body doesn’t have to do any extra work because it already feels like it’s at room temperature.
Tactic 5: Drink Coffee And Eat Breakfast
Have a cup of coffee. Coffee contains caffeine which stimulates your nervous system and wakes you up. It also helps to keep the brain alert, focused and awake for longer periods of time.
Breakfast is important because it gives you energy for the rest of the day. If you skip breakfast, you will feel tired throughout the morning and may not be able to do as much work or exercise as usual.
Tactic 6: Avoid Bedtime Alcohol
Tactic 7: Take A Cold Shower
Take a cold shower. Cold showers are great for waking you up because they shock your body into action. They also help reduce stress and anxiety. You can go about the day more actively.
Tactic 8: Exercise
Exercise is another way to wake up. You can exercise either before or after you eat breakfast. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain and keeps your mind sharp. You keep energized and strong the entire day. Do something physical. Exercise is one of the best ways to wake yourself up. Try jumping rope, running in place, or doing pushups.
Tactic 9: Have A Routine
Tactic 10: Don’t Eat Too Late At Night
Second, make sure that you aren’t eating too late at night. Eating dinner later than 10 PM makes it harder to fall asleep. And when fall asleep late, you wake up late. When you wake up late, you feel lazy all day. Do you see the cascading effect?
Tactic 11: Limit Your Exposure To Bright Light
Bright lights stimulate the production of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep. More Melatonin would mean more sleepiness. You have to balance the exposure just enough that you get sound sleep and you don’t end up hurting your eyes and sleep cycle too much.
If none of these methods work, then you may need to talk to your doctor about medication. Your doctor may determine a lack of nutrients and prescribe supplements like Bioptimizer Magnesium to help you get more restful sleep.
Bonus Tactic 12: Try Magnesium For Energy & Sleep
1) Boosts Brain Function
As we age, our brain cells begin to die off. This process accelerates when we have low levels of magnesium in our system. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that people with higher levels of magnesium had a better memory than those who were deficient. The researchers concluded that magnesium may protect against cognitive decline by helping neurons communicate more effectively.
2) Helps With Sleep
If you want to learn how to wake up in the morning without getting tired, then you intake safe supplements like Bioptimizer Magnesium.
Wrapping Up
There will be days when you’ll want to break the shackles… break the habits! But you’ll eventually learn how to defeat your desires for the sake of your body. So sleep early. Wake up early! That’s the healthiest recipe for a successful life.
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