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Biohacking Weight Loss | Optimize Your Body | 20 Proven Tips

Your metabolism, diet, workout, emotions, rest, environment – everything that helps to lose weight

Biohacking weight loss is an effective way to build and KEEP the body of your dreams forever.

If you have been down that road for many years, you know that it’s hard to lose 10 pounds in the first place, but much harder is to stay motivated to lose weight and stop those extra pounds from coming back.

Here, we are not taking a magical fat burner, waking up confident in your body the next week. It’s also not about starving yourself to death or sweating in wraps and saunas.

Instead, it’s a natural process of

  • adding sustainable food programs like Prolon to your diet,
  • organizing, and living your work-out schedule for serious weight loss results,
  • using the latest devices and body treatments,
  • improving routine for weight loss

Biohacking weight loss integrates

  • physiology
  • nutrition
  • exercises
  • lifestyle
  • willpower
  • stress tolerance
  • psychology

What is Biohacking Weight Loss?

infographics about biohacking weight loss

Biohacking weight loss is an art of managing one’s own biology, especially focused to shed weight quickly with a simple diet and lifestyle changes at home. It’s an attempt to optimize your body structure and help quick weight loss. Many “biohackers” explain steps to understand the body better and give do-it-yourself weight loss tips for quick well-being.

The trick lies not in making you believe “people can do it,” but in making you believe “people have already done it.”

Yes! The best weight loss biohack comes from the people who have already nailed the show! And we’re a part of the same biohacking group. We have been there, and we have done that!

In case you’re wondering why to stop here and spend your precious seconds— we will break down the science, commerce, and arts of Biohacking weight loss.

From forming a routine to managing it, optimizing metabolism to enhancing the sleep cycle, the guide will take you through the not-so-fantasy-tale of weight loss.

So let’s give it a go.

Is biohacking weight loss a fancy name for the same old tricks that never see you shed a single pound? Not even close. It is a safe and natural process of losing weight without putting on more than it can take.

It is a modification to get you into the desired and optimal state of physical and psychological health. In this article, we will give you the best weight loss hacks to achieve the best body shape you desire (as a part of biohacking)

biohacking weight loss

Losing your weight and getting into the perfect body can be a huge problem if you don’t do it right, scientific way. and specific.

It is even tougher to get the ideal routines that will keep you burning calories and fats throughout the day.

Biohacking weight loss gives you a great chance to fasten your metabolism and manage your weight using adequate and straightforward sleep, diet, and exercise routines. 

Biohacking Weight Loss – Your Metabolism

Metabolism is a biological process that influences your body’s primary energy needs. It is also the process that converts what you have eaten into energy. It combines food and liquids with oxygen to run your body.

The individual metabolism rate burns the calories of each person and, therefore, influences one’s overall body weight. While it is easy to make the connection between weight and metabolism, the influence and mechanics of weight are much more complicated and are influenced by genetic makeup, hormonal controls, sleep, lifestyle, and other factors (1).

Therefore, any success in achieving your desired weight has to start with metabolism. And that is precisely what multiple treatments and services are taking advantage of.

So, what are the best biohacking weight loss methods for you?

Cryotherapy & Cold Showers Benefits for Losing Extra Weight

Cold Showers.

One of the great ways to burn fat is an old-fashioned cold shower. This is because when your body is exposed to cold temperatures, it produces more brown fat. This fat has more mitochondria and, therefore, is more metabolically active.

While a full-body shower can be a tough task for a beginner biohacker, it has been seen that regular 30 seconds to a minute cold splash after a warm or hot bath is just as effective, but a cold dip has better results.


cryotherapy for weight loss

Cryotherapy is also a great way to burn calories. You might ask, what is cryotherapy? Bio cryotherapy is a biohacking weight loss technique that uses nitrogen to cool the body. Cryotherapy reduces inflammation, helps in sports recovery, and is a great way to improve your sleep by increasing REM.

Biohackers have reported burning anything between 400 to 800 calories per cryotherapy session. Consequently, it is one of the new biohacking weight loss medical treatments that promise radical health improvements. Actually, it has been in use in Japan since the 1970s in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

While there are cryotherapy DIY methods, you should do it under the watch and guidance of a licensed practitioner, as any slight errors might result in fatalities.

Temperature-related biohacks have been super useful in weight loss and supplement other weight loss routines you might be on or have been advised by a certified practitioner.

Biohacking Weight Loss – Stabilizing with Diet

biohacking weight loss with nutrition and right diet

The Biohacking diet is the first step in biohacking weight loss.  A balanced and healthy eating, as well as a carefully watched and planned lifestyle, are the most vital components of biohacking your weight.

You should ensure that you eat more vegetables, cut back on the carbs and sugar, and slash your appetite for processed foods. In fact, it is time you fill up your fridge with more organic foods. It is also helpful if you eat more at home than at restaurants as you have control over what you are eating (2).

In case you feel it’s too boring and you can’t make out time for it, you can rely on meal delivery partners such as BistroMD and Balance by BistroMD.

Shorten Eating Window to Switch for Intermittent Fasting

benefits of intermittent diet for weight loss and getting in shape

This is another great way for biohacking weight loss that has actually been proven and backed by research running into hundreds.

  • Intermittent fasting is a temporary restriction of food to reduce weight or improve health.
  • Under intermittent fasting, you basically eat all your calories in one eight-hour window a day or, for the 5:2 diets, you normally eat for five days, and drop to 500 calories for two alternate within the week. There are several variations of intermittent fasting eating windows.
  • Skipping food in this controlled way results in processes that enhance “cellular cleaning.”
  • This is a cellular process where the body recycles old cells by eating them. This improves your immune system, metabolism, and gives you a longer life. You will not only lose weight but multiply your experience while at it.

Some meal delivery partners like ProLon give you a head start with intermittent fasting.

Biohacking Weight Loss with Proper Water Intake

water infused with lemon, apple, and mint leafs for weight reduction

Hydration is vital for many factors that play a role in weight loss. Water plays a huge role in digestion, muscle function, satiety, and even calorie burning. And if it is structured water, it’s even better:

  • Water is a naturally occurring appetite suppressant, and when taken before eating, it takes up some space; thus, the stomach fills quickly.
  • If you take it not less than 30 minutes before a meal, it reduces body weight and body fat within 8 weeks. This is because water increases calorie burning in the body as well as the body’s resting energy expenditure. This means that when you take more water, the body burns more calories when you’re resting.
  • Coldwater is especially more useful in burning calories as the body burns calories and tries to heat this water for digestion.
  • Water is a calorie-free drink, which makes it an excellent alternative for other beverages that result in a high-calorie accumulation in your body.
  • Calorie liquids such as soda, juice, or sweetened coffee and tea should be switched with water for effective weight loss.
  • Water is also an essential component of exercises and workouts.
  • It reduces fatigue and muscle cramps as well as protects the body against dehydration when working out. This ensures other body parts are working well when you are exercising.

Two Glasses of Lemon Water in The Morning

lemon slices in the water and mint leafs

While Indians have taken warm lemon water for centuries to detoxify the liver, it is in recent times considered a great way to speed up metabolism.

Preferably, warm lemon water is ideal, but there is no problem with taking it ice-cold. It is also crucial that you drink it 30 minutes before breakfast or immediately when you wake up. You should take two glasses in the morning and a glass right before bed.

Two Liters of Water During the Day (or More)

Some people require more water intake than others due to factors such as age, body size, and activity level.

However, most doctors recommend daily consumption of two liters of water each day. There is the best way to do it:

  • As said above, two glasses of warm water with lemon in the morning.
  • You should drink at least one glass thirty minutes before your meal.
  • One glass in forty-five minutes to one hour after your meal.
  • Keep a glass or bottle of water near your bed.

Drinking extra water when you’re exercising or during physical activities.

Other hacks include eating fruits and vegetables with high water content such as melons, cucumbers, and tomatoes. You can also add more soups to your food. Water is an essential and useful component of biohacking weight loss and is actually readily available to most people, so why not reach out for one?

Water with Apple Vinegar Before Meals (At Least Twice)

apple cider vinegar in glass decanter and apples on the table

A great way to biohack your weight loss is by drinking apple cider vinegar before meals.

Often described as a cure-all health elixir, the apple cider vinegar tonic with water has been used as a traditional remedy to fight tumors and improve cardiovascular functions. As a biohack remedy, it has been proven to be a super-efficient way of watching your weight.

A daily drink of 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 500 ml of water is effective in reducing body fat, weight, and waist size within 12 weeks.

The drink, preferably taken before meals (30 min before), boosts weight loss by burning fats, reducing fat storage, and satiety – the stomach’s fullness before a meal.

As a result, it increases the time it takes for the stomach to empty. The drink is also great at decreasing your appetite and improving your metabolism.

It helps the body achieve ketosis, which makes the body burn fat for fuels instead of glucose in the absence of carbs resulting in increased cellular energy.

Therefore, it not only aids you in weight loss but also improves mitochondrial health resulting in improved immunity and a healthy body.

Coffee (with Cardamon and Butter)

coffee for increasing metabolism and loosing weight

Butter coffee is a great way to lose weight.

You simply switch up your breakfast menu with a healthy drink that gives you every bit of caffeine, but with more health benefits. These benefits include long-lasting satiety, mental clarity, and of course weight loss.

You should, therefore, start by adding a teaspoon of butter to your coffee and work your way up to 2 tablespoons.

However, you can adjust the butter as per your liking. Of course, butter coffee burns away all the extra fat in your body, but the results get better when you add cardamom to the drink.

Cardamom is an effective metabolism stimulant that helps the body burn fat more efficiently. It also reduces the body’s water retention capacity resulting in more healthy skin and healthier cells.

Biohacking weight loss would not be worth anything if your skin is adversely affected.

Include Spicy Foods

spices boost your metabolic rate

Spicy foods are also a great way to lose weight. When added to a daily diet, hot spicy foods boost both metabolisms and increase the body’s fat-burning capacity.

This results in quicker calorie burning by the body. Select spices, especially hot pepper chilies, release a compound called “capsaicin” that promotes the stimulation of brown fat by the body, which is great for metabolism. It is also important to note that hot spicy foods make you sweat more and for longer (which is sort of the same thing that happens when you are exercising). Even though this is a slim connection, it is a connection nonetheless.

Implement Professional Meal Plans

You are busy, stressed, and always in a hurry. If you have a desire to lose weight, but do not have time to prepare meals (and this is a super time consuming, repetitive, and tedious process) you should consider professionally developed meal plans, for example, BistroMD

BistroMD is fully prepared meals with flavorful foods delivered to your doorsteps (Brilliant!)

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Workouts for Biohacking Weight Loss

people working out outside doing different physical activities

Definitely, most people think exercises are a great way to reduce your weight. But as a biohacker, you need to optimize both your diet and workout routines for effective bodyweight loss (3). A combination of the right diet and working out will get you to your desired weight faster and conveniently.

As you know the majority of the success will depend on your diet. But you still need to work out because

  • metabolism increases
  • muscles get into a beautiful shape
  • your body releases hormones of happiness
  • your self-esteem goes up and it improves all areas of your life – personal, professional, etc

Build Muscles to Speed Up Metabolism and Burn Fat.

men with muscles and woman holding weight in her left hand


Lots of people (especially women) indeed tend to avoid lifting weights. It is a mistake because weights do miracles for our body – it slims down faster bringing you to your dream size faster.

A misconception exists that lifting heavy weights will turn you into a bodybuilder while the goal is to lose weight. That is not the case.

Heavy lifting increases the body’s muscle mass, which in turn results in increased body metabolism. This increased body metabolic rate ensures that you are burning just as many calories when at rest as when you are doing light workouts.

It is also a scientific fact that accumulated fat is transformed into muscles when you work out. To avoid a poorly toned body, you should embark on weight lifting to tone these muscles and have a better-looking body.

Daily Cardio to Burn Calories.

women running on treadmills at the gym

A great way to ensure you lose and then do not regain lost weight is sticking to simple cardio workouts routines.

Daily routines can be attractive, but you need to stick to a regular schedule for about five or six days a week to be effective. Also, it is advisable to stick to slower and sustainable working out routines as these let you exercise for longer than vigorous and faster routines.

You should ensure that you have a bit of rest in between workouts as the body also burns far more calories at rest after the workout is complete.

Passive Workouts on Vibrating Exercise Machines

If you are not a big fan of intensive workouts, you can add Vibrating Machine into your routine. You will be simply amazed by the results. Not only it will add lymph drainage to your daily anti-aging regimen, but also, will shed pounds away.

However, if you do like to sweat, exercising on the vibrating machine will triple your workout results.

So, either you love physical activity or not, the vibrating machine should become your best friend. Power Plate is one of our favorite and recommended.


what is a power plate infographics




Stretch, Yoga, Pilates, and Ballet for Perfectly Toned Looks

women practicing yoga and ballet next to ballet barre

Biohackers have taken to yoga, pilates, and ballets as new biohacking paths to flexible, toned bodies. 50-minute yoga and pilates sessions can burn quite a few calories. Alternatively, advanced classes and sessions burn between twice more.

Besides, these exercises are also a great way of relieving stress and back pain.

Morning Walks

woman walks her dog in the morning at the park

Morning walks are great ways to refresh and awaken your body for all types of tasks throughout the day. Notably, those who take a brisk 15-20 minute walk each morning perform optimally better than those that do not.

You can not only use this time to ruminate over the day you are about to have but also use it as a method of exercise. Morning walk, just as the day starts and the air is fresh, has similar health and cardiovascular benefits as a morning run.

Biohacking Stress First for Biohacking Weight Loss Second.

women next to the ocean relaxing and doing yoga


Stress is a significant detriment to productive health as well as a healthy weight (4). It can also lead to obesity, among other weight-related problems. A good way to combat this is through biohacking stress methods.


blond woman in lavender clothes meditating in the garden

When you meditate, you’re basically training brain fitness and making brain learn to concentrate on certain feelings and thoughts. Consequently, you start to react better to these feelings instead of blindly reacting to them.

This helps cultivate a healthy eating habit. It also lets you eat intuitively and mindfully. This control over your eating pattern will help in reducing both emotional and binge eating. Studies establish that meditation reduces cortisol and C-reactive protein levels. Higher and increased cortisol levels have been connected to obesity and poor weight health.


woman in yoga pose doing breathing exercise

An excellent way to speed up your metabolism is by breathing deeply. This is not merely the relationship between breathing and metabolism. It results in an increase in oxygen intake and delivery to the cells optimizing cellular metabolism.

The resulting healthy intake of oxygen also improves your cell immunity leaving you healthier. Therefore, you should try to take a deep breath and hold it for at least 45 seconds twice a day, ten times a session. You should ensure you do this while standing to ensure the smooth flow of air throughout your body.

Biohacking Weight Loss with Quality Sleep

woman sleeping in the morning

Keeping a healthy sleeping pattern is imperative to biohack your weight and get a nice tuned and healthy body (5). You should sleep at least seven to nine hours each night and regularly to develop a healthy body.

Furthermore, you should observe effective sleep rituals like reduced screen time before bed, cut down blue light consumption before sleep, strict eating, and 10 to 20 minutes of meditation before bed. A healthy sleep pattern also makes you more effective at the workplace and in completing physical tasks.

Biohackers with healthy sleep patterns also have lower risks of getting obese than those with unhealthy habits. Some biohackers use technology based devices to sleep well. You’ll be surprised to see these amazing bedroom essentials that support your sleep:


SleepPhones— a device to sleep well before crashing

Calm My Head


Chilipad— control your mattress temperature with the remote

Help Me Sleep Cool


BrainTap— a device to throw you in a deep meditative state

Give me Quality Sleep


Ooler— you sleep cold, your spouse sleep hot?

Let Me & My Spouse Co-exist


Muse headband— a device that cancels all the noise around

Cancel All The Buzz Around


Environmental Improvements.

view of beautiful nature - green grass and blue sky

The environment you live in can also be a hindrance to the perfect weight you are after. It is advisable to embark on a biohack weight loss routine. Besides, you should first ensure that you are in a healthy and non-contaminated environment. Several studies agree that exposure to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including pesticides, antimicrobials disrupt hormonal balance resulting in developmental abnormalities (6). Additionally, watch out for harmful chemicals in skincare products.


person sitting on the grass with computer and a cup of coffee

Rewilding is a biohacking concept where you try to fight against the domestication of humanity. Instead, you should try to get ahold and aligned with Mother Nature. The biohacker achieves this by spending more time outdoors than indoors, eating more organic foods, drinking better water, and getting more sunlight.

Bio weight loss is a great way to improve your health as well as work on your weight. However, it is equally vital that you watch what you eat and drink. Since many biohacking weight loss methods have a bit of scientific backing, it is also crucial that you consult with your doctor on techniques suitable for your body.

Biohacking is something that doctors and health experts the world over have praised as a forward and positively impactful weight loss trend. Therefore, proper practices, it could go a long way in ensuring healthy lifestyles for you. Biohacking diet and lifestyle adjustments play a more prominent role in weight management than biohacking as a concept. Biohackers should ensure that they keep to the right diet and exercise and only use biohacking as a supplement.

Learn more about biohacking






