
Structured Water: What Is it, Benefits, & How To Make Hexagonal Water

Want To Go Full On Energy? Think structure! Drink Structure!

by in biohacking, Water
May 11, 2021 0 comments
H3O2 Water Structure

Okay! So some scientists call structured water a natural healer…

  • Something which has lots of minerals… 
  • Something which detoxifies our bodies more than regular drinking water…

But then some scientists call it a scam… a pseudoscientific marketing gimmick.

It’s crazy how the two groups, like the north and south poles, differ on this matter. But don’t worry! Just like we don’t have any confusion regarding somavedic devices and their claims, we’re pretty confident about structured water too.

It should puzzle you up with the question— whom do you trust when human health is at stake?

Should you have structured water molecules, listening to the “commandments” of the first group?

Or should you continue drinking tap water, respecting the second?

Well, we wanted to settle the case once and for all.

Because you’ve been a part of our biohacking community, and we love it when you push yourself towards healthy living.

So let’s find out everything about structured water.

What is structured water?

what is structured water

Structured water is nothing but water in its natural spring state.

Well, if you pick water from nature— like those from the flowing rivers and glaciers melts, mountain streams and untouched sources— you’ll find them typically arranged in beautiful structures. (1)

It’s only a shame you can’t see them from naked eyes.

We need a microscope for it.

But in case you arrange one, you can see the crystal-like hexagonal structure in it.

It’s the reason why structured water is also termed magnetized or hexagonal water.

Think of it like water flowing over rocks— dancing around the curves and corners of the mountains— before reaching you as drinking water.

Now the endless twists and spins over the mountains and beneath the rocks structure water.

Sounds good so far? Great!

But here’s the dark side: structured water may change before reaching you.

Now, what do we mean by “may change.”

Well, water has to go through several stages on the way to us.

With many factors chipping in, chances are high the hexagonal water may turn into chaotic water.

What converts structured water into unstructured water?

what converts structured water into unstructured water

Chemicals, pollutants, and toxins rob the water of its structure and minerals too.

Other reasons like

  • mechanical filtering
  • abnormal estrogen levels in water
  • inefficient cleaning process
  • long industrial distribution pipelines

may result in tap water toxicity.

It’s like… the more we “handle” or “process” water for our good, the more we lose the benefits.

As you know, water has to go through plenty of influences and treatments before reaching our taps.

By then, it’s already too late and what we have is contaminated water, both chemically and vibrationally.

We call them non-structured or unstructured water.

Some like to call it “chaotic” water too.

Is structured water the same as natural structured water?

Structured water is a broad term. The water you’re drinking may or may not be structured in the most natural form. We mean to say… the water you have may have been structured with the technical devices rather. While “every natural structured water is structured water, not all structured water is natural structured water.

For example, the tap water is highly depleted unstructured water. In that case, you call it natural unstructured water.

But if the water supply at your place is structured even before you’ve processed it through any device or passive water treatment, then you call it a natural structured water. It means the nature itself produces structured water for you.

The main issue with natural structured water is— there’s barely any unpolluted water. So in most cases, you’ll receive natural unstructured water. So it gets crucial for you to implement structuring methods on water.

Once you have applied water structuring techniques to the depleted structured water— you get the artificial structured water (even though it’s completely safe to drink and use).

Usually, passive water treatment organizes water level molecules to a great degree. 🙂 If you go deep down at the microscopic level, you’ll realize the these treatments alter water properties and energies and they’re forced to work in a group. We like to term it synergetic water molecules.

Now you know why water is the most powerful substance on earth. Right?

Are structured water molecules different from regular drinking water & ice cubes?

are structured water molecules different from regular drinking water & ice cubes

There’s not much difference between structured water and ice cubes.

At a molecular level— structured water crystals are quite similar to ice crystals.

Water molecules in both join together in hexagonally structured single-layer sheets.

The slight differences are:

  • magnetized water has flexible sheets
  • these sheets independently move as they’re not glued with the protons

Now regarding the chemical formula, there has been a fair bit of debate.

You already know the chemical formula for regular water is H2O; there’s hardly any argument against two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

But things take a slight turn with structured water.

Many say the chemical formula is H3O2.

Some chemists don’t agree with it, and the water research is still on.

However, not far from now, it will come true. 

Then we can say structured water is entirely a different ballgame than regular drinking water.

We have another way to make you understand the difference between structured water and its traditional unstructured form.

Think of a piece of quartz and a quartz crystal— though they’re the same chemically, you can find a slight difference in their structure.

  • A piece of quartz is arranged in a random structure.
  • Quartz crystal is geometrically very symmetrical.

Here, a piece of quartz is equivalent to unstructured drinking water and quartz crystal is like structured water.

We hope this helps you understand the difference better.

What are the structured water benefits?

what are the health benefits of hexagonal water

Well, it’s sad we don’t have enough data on hexagonal water’s health benefits.

But the good news is: it doesn’t mean we don’t have any data on it.

You would be pleased to know the research has been promising so far, though at the infant phase. (2)

We believe structured water helps in more than ten ways.

But we are confident that four benefits are definitely worth the hype.

Structured water benefits #1: It helps your cell recover quickly.

So cell recovery needs the net energy savings on a cellular level.

Coincidentally, when you intake structured water molecules, they will save energy at the cellular level.

You’ll be surprised to know most of the water in our bodies is already structured.

But pollutants and contamination are affecting our drinking habits.

Now, what if you intake unstructured water instead of structured?

Well, then cells have to process them to make them useful.

It takes time and energy from your body— making it harder for cell recovery!

Structured water benefits #2: It detoxifies your body.

Usually, your body is a hub of harmful chemicals and dissonant frequencies.

With EMF and radiations all around, and 5G towers standing taller more than ever, your body is constantly exposed to diseases.

Structured water can help remove negative energies from your body.

Think of it like a healthy harmonic state where structured water flushes off all the toxins in the body.

Structured water benefits #3: It manages stress and metabolism.

structured water benefits #3 it manages stress and metabolism.

Sadly, as technology “seeps” into our bodies, cells find it a little hard to cope with the stress response.

Fortunately, structured water behaves as energized water.

For your information, energized water is well-known to reduce stress at the cellular level.

You may find

  • increased organ activity
  • enhanced resilience.

But you’ve to trade off one thing for these benefits.

You may have to be a bit frequent guest into the bathroom, as structured water also betters your metabolism activity.

Structured water benefits #4: It’s the most bioavailable state of water.

Let’s say you put water into your body, and 50% of it gets out in the first pass metabolism without really getting used inside the system.

How good will that be for you?

You might go dehydrated soon.

But magnetized water is the most bioavailable form of water.

Think of it like.. when you have it, your body will use more water efficiently rather than passing most of them through the first-pass filter.

It’s the key to deep intracellular hydration and optimized mineral uptake.

Structured water benefits #5: It boosts body energy.

You need energy to function. Sometimes, all you’re short of is a glass of water to regain your energy and glory. But you already know drinking water is not in the best form. However, you can always convert your normal drinking water into energized structured water to feel more vitalized in the boots.

Think of structured water as a fuel that recharges your empty energy tank in the body. When you pour the fuel into the tank, your body suddenly feels charged. The charge then reaches at the cellular level optimizing your body function.

As you already know, energized Structured Water hydrates and detoxifies your body… structured hydration and detoxification has everything to do with overall body’s performance.

Structured water benefits #6: You’ll have a healthy immune system.

We don’t need to emphasize on how drinking clean water can increase your immunity. As your body is 70% water, you need to keep feeding water that’s good for your overall health and immune system.

Think of it this way— let’s say you’re not relying on any immunity boosting supplements and drinking water apart from your dietary needs are the only things you put on the show for your immune system. But then you realize you’re having impure water for years which is only affecting your health in the long run.

So when you’re not having external supplements, it’s crucial you take energized structured water to boost immunity and keep away disease-causing microorganisms. Since structured water is more bioavailable than general water and it hydrates the cells well, your immune system already go up.

Good cell health = better immune system ( because your immune system is nothing but bunch of nasty defending soldier cells). Usually, cells absorb oxygen molecules from energized structured water faster than normal water.

And better cell health = less toxins = great immune system.

Structured water benefits #7: The best in offering optimal hydration

Hydration is not enough! Your body needs optimal hydration. Sure, you may enjoy regular water filters and think of them as optimal solution provider to your hydration issues.

But the sad fact is— you can never achieve optimal hydration with regular water… you need structured water because you’ll have water in optimal quantity… also you need not take it in high amount to compensate for mineral-deficiency in regular drinking water. The charge in structured water produces and stores energy.

Structured water benefits #8: Water tastes better to you

Research may say water is tasteless, but we all want our water to taste better. Don’t we? The water from water softeners and purifiers may hydrate you, but never taste the way you want. Energized Structured water with charged ions taste wonderful and you feel more hydrated in less water.

It does two things: you feel full in less hydration and you don’t put in more water than required. Your body easily absorbs this smooth, clean, and soft water. Now you must be wondering what makes structured water more smoother and tastier?

Well, surface tension! Yes, the surface tension of structured water is far more less than regular filtered water.

Structured water benefits #9: It works as a healing agent

Your body needs to return to the balanced state. In more scientific terms, we would call it homeostasis. Now what does Homeostasis do? Well, you can think of it as a healing agent that promotes multiple health benefits to your body.

This may include:

  • improving digestion,
  • eliminating constipation,
  • promoting weight loss,
  • maintaining weight, and
  • aiding better sleep.

So structured water not only helps you keep hydrated, but also add many health benefits such as

  • hydrating skin,
  • reducing hair-fall,
  • leveling blood sugar, and
  • enhancing concentration & memory.

Structured water benefits #10: 2X better than processed water.

Processed water is good. We have nothing against it. Also, we are not trying to outsell anything. But structured water is the really deal maker when you’re trying to improve everything at optimal cellular level.

If you’re still wondering how structured water outclasses regular drinking water— ask people who never had to consume more water than they should have after switching to structured water.

Structured water benefits #11: It’s better for your pets.

Whether you’re a rabbit, cat, or dog-buff, you no longer have to feed regular filter water and have them hiss at you. You rather want to control their aggression, have them easy mating and kidding without affecting your little area of joys.

Once you treat water and convert them into structured water, the over electrical conductivity rise. This also increases salinity, oxygen content, and reduce surface tension in water. So next when your pets have them, they can benefit healthy water for healthy body functioning just as you.

What are some other benefits of structured water?

structured water benefits

  • the energy level will shoot up
  • you can concentrate better
  • you’ll have a healthy memory retaining power
  • you can shred extra body pounds
  • it helps you maintain weight
  • sleep comes better to you
  • your immune system is super beefed-up
  • you fend off digestive issues like constipation
  • longer life comes naturally to you
  • you can improve skin complexion
  • stabilize blood sugar level to normal

The science behind so many benefits is not that hard!

According to some research, vortexing (spinning) water develops a potential difference between structuring water and non-structuring molecules.

This difference allegedly carries energy.

And when you drink it, it’s purported to recharge and hydrate your body more than regular water.

Is it better than erasing the pollution directly?

is spring water structured water

You may ask: why structure water?

Why can’t you simply erase pollution from it… like with distillation or reverse osmosis?

Well, here’s the answer to it!

  • The distillation process is not efficient. It does remove contaminants, no issue with that! But the real problem lies in when it trades off the vital minerals with boiling and evaporation. Now would you need such mineral-less water for your kids and family?
  • Reverse osmosis water is no different. It cuts off all the beneficial minerals from the water you drink. So there’s no point in drinking water when they’re off-chart of their highest potential.

The crux of the matter is: recycling water won’t necessarily restructure water the way you want!

Nature has its way of cleansing water that we know as evaporation, rainwater, and streamflow.

But it’s not feasible to wait for nature to do its act.

In such cases, you restructure water, just like in nature, through Somavedic devices.

Otherwise, you don’t create hexagonal water with “artificial cleansing processes.”

You only consume lots and lots of energetic pollution despite thinking you cleaned them.

Make Structured Water Now!    Read Somavedic Review

Why do bodies need more structured water?

why do bodies need more structured water

Magnetized water in your body behaves more or less like a battery— the best analogy we can come up with.

Like… how do we charge batteries constantly? 

Likewise, hexagonal water needs charging.

The structured water loses charge in the body over time.

It would help if you replenished the charge again to keep yourself safe from diseases and toxicity.

How do you do it?


You put energized hexagonal water into your body.

No, energized structure water doesn’t replace the existing water in your body.

It simply acts as a charger to the existing non-energized structured water.

When they’re charged, your body regains sufficient energy to enhance cellular activity.

How to make structured water?

how to create structured water yourself

Well, no one structures water better than nature itself!

Evaporations… and rain falls… and river flows…

You get the gist. Right?

But you can’t wait for mother nature to structure the water and bestow it on your lap.

The most you need the magnetized water is N-O-W!

So you have to take the matter into your hand and think of restructuring water yourself.

Thankfully, you don’t have to be Einstein to structure water.

There are multiple ways to do it, including the use of a structuring device. But here’s the catch— two different groups believe there are different ways to create structured water.

How to structure water-differing views?

Some structure water proponents believe mountains, glaciers, springs, and any other water sources create natural structure water. But some proponents with differences in opinion believe you can convert impure water into structured water with:

  • structuring water with the vortexing process
  • putting unstructured water in ultraviolet or infrared light
  • putting unstructured water in heat and energy
  • using gemstone in unstructured water
  • putting impure waters pass through structuring devices like Somavedic

Five “Do it yourself” ways to create structured water.

  1. Make water go through Vortex devices like hyperbolic funnels. These funnels magnetize water and energize them enough for healing.
  2. Or expose water containers to specific energy sources like ultraviolet or infrared light and feel the energized version.
  3. You can also expose it to natural heat such as sunlight or artificial radiation devices like muscle heating pads. It gets you decent results.
  4. Many people store water in gemstone water bottles to reap healing properties. You can try your hands on it as well.
  5. Some believe human touch also produces enough heat energy to structure water crystals. Sure, you can try this easiest method.

How to make structured water at home—  project for kids.

If your kid’s science project day is inching close, but you can’t do anything but panic— don’t worry! This simple science structured water project will make your kid’s teachers go head over heels.

And more importantly, everyone would learn to drink healthy water at home! They wouldn’t need to put much efforts into taking care of their health. So here’s how you can help your kid win the science project in 5 minutes.

5-step simple instructions to make structured water at home:


  • Cut the bottom of the bottle and flip it upside down like a funnel.
  • Place it in the mug in a way it doesn’t fall out of it.
  • Now toss in a smooth rose quartz or crystal of your choice in the bottle funnel (make sure the hole is not shut completely… we’ll pour our water from it).
  • Add one-third or half the bottle funnel with marbles of your choice (marbles are to vortex the water for structuring)
  • pour water in the funnel and let it run through the marbles and drip in the cup/mug/glass.

What you finally have is a structured water. You can repeat the process for the same water twice or thrice or even 10 times in the bottle funnel to have better taste and high Vortexing activity.

How to structure your water at home— an alternative & simple method

If you don’t want to get into the hassle of cutting the bottle and arranging the marbles… you can simply fill the jug with water and stir it in circular motion for good. What do you see? Vortex and whirlpool? They’re nothing but glory to structured water.

You want to keep it that way for a night and then taste it in the morning! No doubt you’ll find it taste a bit different and that’s when you know water has returned to the original crystal state. To add more value to your water overnight, place rose quartz in it.

How do you tell your DIY efforts have your water structured? 


Now you’re wondering if your efforts made any sense. The good news is— you don’t need to have tens of observations and inferences data to figure out if water has gotten structured. All you have to do is compare how water tasted before and after.

Your water is structured when:

  • it feels softer than earlier
  • it feels wetter in your mouth
  • you feel satisfied after every glass you drink

What are the problems with making structured water at home?


As we said, the home-based structured water project is amazing! Many don’t know about the problems of regular filtered water and the benefits that structured water put on the table. Your child can steal the science project within a few minutes if they know marketing the god-damn amazing little trick.

But having said that, if you’re really looking to polish up your health score— we would say DIY hacks are not the only way to make structured water. Now you may not feel entirely convinced with us— but here’s the problem: the structured water you make at home might not be the best structured water you’ll drink.

Here’s the reason:

  • The crystal you may use may not be pure…
  • You can expect impurity from old plastic bottles…
  • The marbles you toss in may become dangerous for kids and pets around..

We know these methods are pretty simple… But simple methods bring in a bit of disadvantages with them as we mentioned.

You’ll need a bit more maintenance when compared with professional water structuring devices.

Plus, they might not be as effective. Probably, the reason why you need Somavedic devices.

  • Somavedic uses pure crystals
  • No fear of marbles getting stuck at your kid’s or pet’s throats
  • You’ve nothing to do with harmful plastic bottles
  • Last but not least, you don’t have to move your hands for a second… place Somavedic… have structured water. That’s it.

Somavedic method

somavedic method

Nothing comes close to structuring water better than Somavedic.

It has to be our favorite method because it’s the most professional method.

And guess what?

Yet, it comes the easiest way to vitalize water in our eyes.

Why do we say this?

Well, you got to look at the advantages:

  • by far the most user-friendly method
  • easiest to install
  • lasts long
  • needs very little to no maintenance
  • doesn’t need parts replacement unless it breaks

Somavedic = frequency therapy of the east + natural science of the west

Want to check the benefits of harmonized water with Somavedic?

Here you go:

  • increases the absorption of vitamins and minerals
  • detoxifies the pollutants
  • enhances all health programs
  • staves off dehydration fatigue
  • no more dry, itchy skin
  • discourages harmful radiations
  • beef up the immune system
  • improves cartilages and discs
  • beneficial for your pets as well (3)

You can take your structured water knowledge to the next level with the book “The Fourth Phase of Water.

The book also helps with structuring water in detail.

Dr. Pollack’s book is a masterpiece that drops the truth bomb regarding water as a whole.

Make Structure Water Now!    Read Somavedic Review

You can also read Somavedic FAQs to clear all your buying doubts.

Frequently asked questions.

The fact structured water is so debated is the very fact you should know more about it.

So this is our expert take on frequently asked questions:

Is structured water good for your health?

Yes, structured water is good for your health. It keeps your body hydrated, boosts energy, and helps in detoxification, digestion, and weight loss. Other structured water benefits for health include improved skin complexion, a healthy immune system, controlled blood sugar, better sleep, and longer life. The benefits of structured water also extend to your memory and physical strength. Structured water improves your concentration power, mood states, blood pressure, cholesterol, endurance, kidney and liver health, and joint health. According to experts, most benefits are potentially more potent than regular drinking water.

Can you structure tap water?

Yes, you can structure tap water. It is a common doubt we all have when we think about how to make structured water. Once you purify tap water by boiling, sedimentation, activated charcoal, or disinfecting tablets and drops, you can structure tap water.
Some common methods to structure tap water include vortexing, exposing water to UV or infrared light, heat and energy, using gemstones, or using Somavedic devices. The idea is to imitate the natural impact of mountains, glaciers, and other such elements in nature that make water structured.

Can you drink Structured Water?

Yes, you can drink structured water. It is nothing less than regular drinking water. Structured living water has a magnetic energy that charges the water to keep your body hydrated for long hours and does not contain any pollutants or contaminants. It makes structured water safe for drinking and maybe better than regular drinking water.
Structured water is nothing but molecules of water forming a hexagonal structure when the water passes through hydrophilic surfaces. In fact, our body tissues are hydrophilic meaning the water in our body is structured.

Is structured water better?

Yes, structured water is better than regular drinking water if it returns to its natural state. As per experts, structured water aims to bring back the original state of water — the water from outdoor streams, mountain springs, and glaciers — which is free from pollution. So when you structure water, you return it to its purest form, ultimately making it better for drinking.
Many people who taste structured water, claim it to be better than regular drinking water in taste, softness, satisfaction, and energy. Most of them even feel less bloated after drinking structured water.

What does structured water do?

What structured water does is hydrate, recharge, and energize your body better than regular drinking water. It impacts your body at the cellular level and regulates the cells’ bioactivity. These are just the primary benefits of structured water. Structured water also helps nutrient absorption, metabolic waste reduction, and cellular communication. It even exhibits antioxidant properties without the presence of antioxidants. Additionally, structured water helps reduce stress and anxiety, increases your resilience to EMF exposure, and puts your body in relaxation mode.

Can you make structured water?

Yes, you can make structured water yourself at home. Several DIY methods can help you structure water. They include vortexing, in which you pass unstructured water through vortex devices (hyperbolic funnels) to generate magnetic energy in the water. The water holds this energy and charges itself to keep you hydrated. Another method to structure water is to pass it through any of these sources – gemstones, UV or infrared light, and natural or artificial heat. Or you can just fill a container with water and stir it, making a vortex or whirlpool.

Does a vortex create structured water?

Yes, a vortex does create structured water. Vortex structured water is water that passes through a whirling action (vortexing) with the help of vertex devices and regains its form as original water. It now has the magnetic energy it needs to charge the water and make it more beneficial to your health. When you pass the water through a vortex, its molecules dissociate into hydrogen and oxygen, mix with already dissolved H2O molecules, and form hexagonal sheets. This arrangement results in structured water.

Does sunlight structure water?

Yes, sunlight does structure water. Structuring water with sunlight is also called solarizing. The process is said to fill the water with solar energy, giving the water its essential qualities. Sunlight structures the water when exposed to the sun in a glass container.
To structure water by sunlight, place a glass container full of water under the sun and cover it with a lid. You can also place a crystal inside the container to amplify the process. Keep the water for at least a few hours to get the best results.

How do you make Structured Water?

how do you make structured water

You can make structured water by adapting nature’s way of vortexing (creating whirlpools).

Nature usually swirls and spins water through mountains and rivers, making it structured.

Stir the water in your container for a few minutes to create a hexagonal shape (at the molecular level).

Do you see swirls in it?

You’re going right.

Another easy way to structure water at home and office is by placing a Somavedic device close to the water glass.

How long does structured water stay structured?

Structured water in your body loses structure quickly.

It is why you need to recharge non-energized structure water with external structure water like a battery.

Some tests show structured water can last for years if they pass through a structuring device & so long you don’t contaminate it.

Good for you to know the structuring water devices also last for five to ten years with years of warranty.

Is Spring Water Structured Water?

Springwater is the purest form of structured water.

Nature whirls and twists spring water to create a vortex effect.

This vortexing of spring water forms a layer of the hexagonal sheet, which has independent crystals unglued to the protons.

There’s a reason why spring water tastes so good.

It’s because it has a high amount of structured water molecules.

Is distilled water Structured water?


Distilled water is not structured water because distilled water doesn’t have the necessary minerals that structured water does (4).

The distillation process boils and evaporates most of the vital minerals.

Structured water, on the other hand, offers healing properties selflessly and pulls everything terrible for the body.

Though distilled water is good for drawing toxins out of the body, it’s not as effective as structured water.

You would want to read more on biohacks for health for the safest means of healing.

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