Are you worried about microcurrent contraindications? You should. It needs to be top of your list when preparing to get your microcurrent treatment. You need to know whether or not your body health and skin condition are safe for you to have microcurrent treatments.
Microcurrent treatments are safe. And, their success rates keep surprising us. In fact, they are one of the best anti-aging products for the skin.
But could there be microcurrent limitations that sometimes slip through our fingers?
Yes, there are microcurrent contradictions that you need to watch out for.
More like if you have these diseases or conditions, you should not have a microcurrent treatment. We know you have been researching microcurrents before and after pictures. You may have been even looking for the best microcurrent devices. But you should check whether your existing health permits using microcurrents.
And it may be challenging to let go of the alluring microcurrent after pictures. But this is only safe for your health and wellbeing.
Here, we review all the microcurrent contraindications you should watch out for before you receive microcurrent treatments.
Microcurrent Contraindication- Short Answer!
Microcurrent contraindication lists are as follows: Electrical Implant Devices (pacemakers), Metal implants, epilepsy, seizures, active cancer, pregnancy, heart conditions, diabetes, recent surgery, open Sores such as Acne, thrombosis, botox or filler therapy, bridgework, etc.
What Condition is a Contraindication for Microcurrent Treatment? Long answer!
Does microcurrent have contraindications? Yes.
First, you need to know that you may suffer adverse effects if you undergo microcurrent therapy if you have the conditions we discuss below.
However, the reactions and effects are almost non-existent. You just need to ensure you have no underlying physical or mental conditions that don’t sit well with microcurrent technology.
We are trying to say that you must visit your physician and ensure you are good to go.
However, to shed light on what conditions to look out for, we analyze the contraindications of microcurrent below.
Microcurrent contraindications #1: Electrical Implant Devices Such as a Pacemaker
The first group who cannot use microcurrents is people with electrical implants. Therefore, if you have a pacemaker, you may want to find an alternative way for a facelift.
But why? First, electrical devices such as pacemakers use electrical current to function. Therefore, introducing the electrical current from the microcurrent devices can interfere with the pacemaker.
The same applies to other electrical implants, such as the cochlear ear implant. In fact, all great microcurrent-making companies like Pico Toner, Foreo Bear, or MyoLift device ask their users to be careful about pacemakers.
Microcurrent contraindications #2: Epilepsy and History of Seizures
Research shows that identifiable causes of seizures are typically linked to a disrupted flow of electricity in the brain.
This, therefore means, that sending microcurrent electric charges to your body could offset the balance. And the results would be an abnormal flow of electricity in the neurons and cells of the body.
Therefore, it is a risky affair, and you would want to thoroughly keep off such avoidable risks. However, you’d want to improve brain fitness before going with microcurrent.
Microcurrent contraindications #3: Active Cancer
Before we get into microcurrent contraindication for cancer, let’s find out another important question that a lot of users asked us.
Can Microcurrent Cause Cancer?
No, there’s no evidence to prove that microcurrents cause cancer. In fact, studies from PubMed suggest that microcurrent is promising remediation for cancer. Although more research is needed to confirm if microcurrent treats cancer, there are almost zero anecdotal and controlled claims that microcurrents have caused cancer in the past.
Now let’s talk about if microcurrent is safe for everyone with cancer.
With the new devices, it makes sense to worry. However, microcurrent has been effective for decades, and it is safe and effective. (1) People are using them for all the reasons… be it to prevent the sagging skin or reduce the sign of wrinkles.
But that is not the case for people who have some types of cancer.
Why is microcurrent unsuitable for people with active cancer?
First, cancer affects body cells. And, one of the significant benefits of microcurrent treatment is to stimulate the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (or ATP) within the cells. Therefore, introducing an offset of energies on the already weakening cells.
Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with cancer, or undergoing treatment, you may want to find alternative ways of biohacking skin.
Microcurrent contraindications#4: Pregnancy
being pregnant means, you have to be:
- safe for the fetus’ development,
- safe for you to sustain the pregnancy.
And one ideal way to ensure this is to avoid using microcurrent devices such as the myolift, including microcurrent facials. Both fetuses and pregnant women are vulnerable. This is because of the radiofrequency radiation (RF) interaction with cells of the fetus’s development. The radiation can also damage the placenta barrier.
And we hope that answers the question of why high frequency is wrong for pregnancy.
Most patients yearn for microcurrent facial therapy during pregnancy, mainly because of skin reactions. However, you may have to postpone the use of microcurrent devices to when you are breastfeeding.
Also read: Microcurrent vs radiofrequency
Microcurrent contraindications #5: Heart Conditions
If you have any heart conditions, ensure you consult with your physician before taking any microcurrent treatment. It is an FDA requirement to determine whether you are fit to go ahead.
If you are wondering if microcurrents can cause heart palpitations, the answer is yes. This is because microcurrent uses low-frequency electric charges. This is why you should not use this treatment when you have any heart conditions or are anyone with a pacemaker.
Microcurrent contraindications#6: Diabetes
Getting a microcurrent facial for people with diabetes would be the wrong idea if you are going to have a microcurrent facial at home or in the salon. You may have to look at other ways or medications to counter signs of aging, such as wrinkles.
It is an FDA requirement that you have a physician’s approval to have a microcurrent procedure. Your priorities should be straight! If you have insulin resistance, we suggest insulin-resistant supplements.
Once your health bolts up, you can take advice from your doctor to use microcurrent devices.
Some studies suggest when microcurrent treatment is performed on people with diabetes; it results in:
- therapeutic effects,
- pain relief,
- quick recovery time to open wounds.
However, the research insists that ultra-low microcurrent frequency has to be used to enjoy the benefits. At this rate, it is considered a non-invasive technology. But this depends on how most people react to it.
Microcurrent contraindications #7: Recent Surgery
Having surgery, especially facial surgery, is highly invasive. And, therefore, you do not want to interfere with the healing process. Furthermore, there may be a pain if you interrupt the healing process.
While healing, you have to stay in touch with your doctor. The doctor has to confirm that you are fully healed before clearing you for your microcurrent facial or using microcurrent devices such as the neurotris pico toner.
And even after the clearance, the question of how many sessions I should have remained. After you reintroduce microcurrents into your anti-aging skincare routine, it has to be done moderately.
It has to be reintroduced in tiny doses to avoid injuring previously injured areas.
Microcurrent contraindications #8: Open Sores such as Acne
One of the dangers of facial electrical treatments is that they do not sit well with open wounds.
If you have a few face pimples here and there, then you can have the microcurrent treatment. However, if it is a severe skin condition, microcurrent therapy can cause more harm than benefits. The procedure will irritate the skin more.
Microcurrent contraindications #9: Metal Implants
Microcurrent is not suitable for people who have metal implants. This mainly refers to knee and hip replacements.
The main concern is the high frequency may heat the metal parts in the body. And, this will result in heating the tissues surrounding the metal. The result could easily be damaging the surrounding tissues.
Therefore, if you have any sorts of metal implants, talk to your doctor before having any treatments.
Does microcurrent have long term effects?
Yes, microcurrent have long term effects if you are consistent with your microcurrent therapy. It also depends on whether you are taking at-home microcurrent treatment or in-clinic sessions. At-home sessions demand at least two months of your time to deliver permanent effects. But in-clinic sessions offer you long-term effects in a few sessions. Besides, if you are worried about the harmful effects of microcurrent devices, you consult your skin care specialist before taking microcurrent therapy.
Where should you not use microcurrent?
You should not use a microcurrent on your neck nearby the thyroid region. Research suggests using it can stimulate the condition and interfere with the hormones. Most biohackers apply microcurrents on other parts of their neck except the thyroid region. It is also suggested to avoid microcurrents on open acne to prevent facial irritation. Many experts believe microcurrent is also safe around the eyes as long as it is gently applied around them.
Final Thoughts
It is always better to be safe than sorry. Microcurrent facial may come out as the best way to lift your facial muscles or anti-aging, such as clearing the fine lines. But with some conditions, it may cause more harm than benefits. All we are looking for is premium skincare for all skin types. But if not careful, you may end up more irritated.
Therefore, we recommend that you visit your physician to help clear you for microcurrent treatment. And, it would do you more justice to keep in touch with your doctor all through your microcurrent sessions. If you’re completely ineligible to use microcurrent, ask your skin expert if you can use skin care creams like Young Goose or supplements like Bioptimizer magnesium.
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